Utilize the Fishery Performance Indicator Plus model, exclusively built by 1Skip
Service Description
Utilizing both the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPI) and the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) 28 indicator Pre-Assessment process, 1skip initiates development projects with a suite of robust desk and field research to evaluate the fisheries we engage. Focusing on the economic, social and environmental (EcSEn) indicators and metrics, we develop a baseline for investment monitoring and evaluation, addressing these three priorities, while we retrieve the data and context we need to develop a baseline intervention and investment strategy. Furthermore, this same process is coordinated through FIP implementers, be it NGOs or consultants, who help design the FIP work plan and have experience with the environmental goals of the region and species in play. Our assessment approach links already developed – and proven – tools that are recognized by stakeholders. It is through our model, focused upon the EcSEn indicators, that we leverage our assessment work increasing value and decreasing costs for our partners. We then look to apply our work through the application of technology, optimized business management and operations, market transparency and responsive adaptation utilizing feedback from the indicators and metrics to monitor and assess our overall progress in the fishery.

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